Eric Kripke's Revolution has ended prematurely after two seasons. The show that was produced by Bad Robot Productions, J.J. Abrams...
Tracy Spiridakos
During yesterdays review of the latest episode of Revolution I actively speculated that the show would be cancelled. Well, its has...
It has been a while since I last posted a review of Revolution. The show has seen a remarkable improvement...
This weeks episode continues where the last one left off, Miles and Rachel are going to attempt to rescue Monroe...
I am sorry that I didn't review last weeks episode of Revolution, but all you need to know is that...
Revolution seems to be on a winning streak as of late. I personally had my doubts whether the 'patriots' would...
After a good start to its second season Revolution takes a break with an episode that doesn't really move the...
With this weeks episode, 'Love Story', Revolution continues to improve in quality. The show keeps handing out some hard punches...
Revolution is one of those shows that everyone at times seems to love to hate. Season 1 for that matter...
The Comic-Con bliss continues with NBC releasing a lengthy preview trailer of Revolution's second season. The trailer starts as so...