Friday's episode of Fringe is called 'Forced Perspective' and sees the return of the Observers who warn Olivia of her...
Olivia Dunham
Fringe is Back! During the last two weeks my Fringe withdrawal symptoms have definitely started to show, this weeks return...
Fear not, the title says 'almost' cancelled that doesn't mean it hasn't. At this time of the year there is...
Last week's episode of Fringe entitled Wallflower was the last episode before the shows brief hiatus that lasts until january...
Well, after 7 episodes ending with this weeks 'Wallflower' Fringe will take a hiatus and won't be back until january....
This week's episode of Fringe is a bit of a mixed bag, it is essentially a 'monster-of-the-week episode' but it...
This weeks episode of Fringe can almost together with the first episode of the season be seen as one story....
Fringe is back for another season. After the series started slipping in the viewer ratings Fringe producers have promised less...
It is scarcely a week until the 23rd when Fringe Season 4 will kick off. So far we know Olivia...
Here is the fourth Fringe teaser entitled 'Where is Peter Bishop?", similar to the first three teasers they stay true...