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Simon Pegg. Star Trek 3 News Roundup

Star Trek 3 News Roundup

Simon Pegg. Star Trek 3 News Roundup

Star Trek 3 News Roundup

With J.J. Abrams directing Star Wars The Force Awakens you would almost forget that the Star Trek Reboot franchise will get a third movie. Star Trek 3, not to be confused with The Search For Spock, will be directed by Justin Lin (True Detective and Fast & Furious). Actor Simon Pegg who plays Scottie in the reboot will also write the script. After the debacle that was Star Trek Into Darkness the reboot is in need for fresh ideas. As such Pegg has visited the set for The Force Awakens for inspiration.

Simon Pegg received the role as writer while on the set of Mission Impossible Rogue Nation. Executive Producer Bryan Burk along with J.J Abrams suggested the process for Star Trek 3 should be restarted. After initial skepticism Pegg has accepted the role as writer along with Doug Jung. Pegg has previously written many of the scripts for his own movies such as Shaun Of The Dead and Hot Fuzz.

Star Trek is however, a very different genre. Pegg has been keen to capture the mood of The Original Series. In his words the third film will, take it forward with the spirit of the TV show.” He describes the story as being, “about frontierism and adventure and optimism and fun, and that’s where we want to take it, you know. Where no man has gone before — where no one has gone before, sensibly corrected for a more enlightened generation. But yeah, that’s the mood at the moment.” It certainly sounds as though Star Trek 3 will come closer to the vision of Gene Roddenberry. So far no word yet on a Star Trek Live-action TV. Instead Star Wars is rumored to get one. The possibility exists they will use sets for Star Wars 7 and 8 to reduce costs and stay close to the visual style of the renewed franchise.

Star Trek 3 is set to hit theaters in July 2016. It will star Zoe Saldana, Chris Pine, Simon Pegg, Zachary Quinto, Anton Yelchin, John Cho, Karl Urban and possible Idris Elba. Idris is rumored to be the antagonist of the story. This was Star Trek 3 News Roundup
