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Michael Emerson, Kevin Chapman and Amy Acker at Comic Con 2015. Person of Interest Season 5 Preview

Person of Interest Season 5 Preview – Should it be the show’s last?

Person of Interest Season 5 Preview. Empty Lair

Person of Interest Season 5 Preview

At this years Comic-Con in San Diego PoI’s cast and executive producer talked about the show’s future. After season 4 fans have started speculating whether or not Person Of Interest should wrap things up with a fifth season or whether there should only be a shortened 13-episode season to keep the story fresh and original. The issue with Person Of Interest has to do with the originality of the show. During the first season the premise of a machine predicting the chances that someone would be murdered, or was the perpetrator of a murder captivated the audience. It was light-weight science fiction that felt believable. John Reese, played by Jim Caviezel, felt believable as from time to time he got his ass-kicked. During season 2 the premise started feeling dated, the cast turn-over, weird storylines and Reese turning into Superman didn’t help the overall story. The only thing that kept it going was the emergence of the Decima/Samaritan storyline. After season 3 and 4 repaired the damage of season 2 there is the fear that despite the up-turn the show has seen its best days. Viewer ratings have lowered to just over 8 million, down fro the 12 million average during season 3. Fans feel that despite their enthusiasm the fight between Samaritan and The Machine needs to be resolved. That would mean the end of the show as well. As a fan of the first hour I agree with the sentiment even if the sudden realization that season 5 may be the end comes as a shock.

Kevin Chapman answering questions at Comic-Con 2015. Person of Interest Season 5 Preview

Meanwhile at Comic-Con the shows producers were both evasive and direct on the issue. This is what executive producer Greg Plageman had to say about the shows prospects: “for us, we feel we have a lot more stories to tell. We think the show can go on … but the way we have to approach it narratively is we have to write in such a manner that this finale could be the series finale as well. We’re grateful that we’re back on for another season but we write every season finale as it could be a series finale. That’s what we gonna do this year, too“. Though Greg sounds hopeful there is an undercurrent of doubt, that means season 5 could well be its last. Normally at Comic-Con there is more to reveal than just discuss a shows future. So was there anything for PoI? Well, there was a small teaser trailer. Its just over 4 minutes long with 3 minutes being highlights from past seasons. It certainly got me pumped for season 5. The last part of the teaser shows our gang underground lair with the subway train being notably absent and a giant whole in the wall.

You can watch the season 5 teaser below.

There were of course also plenty of interviews with the cast and producers at the comic-con. One of the first questions asked was the length of the season. Executive Producer Jonathan Nolan is more firm this time and states their goal was a 13 episode season. You can watch the rest the interview below

But there is more, there is also a 50 minute panel with the entire cast and most of the shows producers from Executive Producers Jonah Nolan, Greg Plageman & Denise Thé. They are joined by actors Jim Caviezel, Michael Emerson, Kevin Chapman & Amy Acker.

Jim Caviezel with Emerson and Chapman at Comic Con. Person of Interest Season 5 Preview Michael Emerson, Kevin Chapman and Amy Acker at Comic Con 2015. Person of Interest Season 5 Preview

I confess I have only watched snippets but it is one hell of a powerful incentive to watch season 5. That said, the cast readily admit there is some viewer fatigue. Perhaps we have been spoiled too much over the last 2 years with. So what can we expect of season 5 and what should the shows producers do differently? It seems that for the last three seasons I have asked the same question. One answer is that fans have demanded is the return of characters that appeared in only one episode. Some were absolutely brilliant and thus felt underutilized. The producers have provided some lip-service to fans with the return of techie Caleb Phipps seen in episode “2πR” and “Blunt”. There also needs to be clarification on the fate of Elias, a side character who deserves a show of his own. Last season showed Elias’s more humane side and gave hints of his troubled youth. Sadly, during the season finale he appeared to be mortally shot along with Dominic, leader of the Brotherhood. Of course while The Machine is down it is not out, but what does that mean for crime-fighting in New York. Will Greer allow Samaritan to uncover perpetrators and victims? Will he act on that information?

So far no clear release has been issued for season 5. It could be late September, it could be during the mid-season hiatus period for other shows. That depends on CBS.

Source; CP Entertainment