April 1, 2025


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Person of Interest Season 4 Preview - Root and Shaw in short dresses

Person of Interest Season 4 Preview

Person of Interest Season 4 Preview - John Reese and Shaw looking at a phone

The fall is almost upon us and you know what that means. TV shows, lots of TV-shows. Some of the new ones such as Gotham, Constantine, NCIS New Orléans and many more. While others will start their make or break second season (Agents of SHIELD and The Blacklist). Frankly there is simply too much to review for one author of a small sci-fi blog. Anyway, the show I am most looking forward is to Person of Interest (PoI). PoI suffered during its second season from departing secondary characters as well as a muddled plot. The third season also got off to a rocky start but managed to reinvent the show after the sad departure of Agent Carter. One problem it could not hide from was the fact that the major background stories of Mr. Reese (Jim Caviezel) and Mr. Finch (Michael Emerson) were well established which gave their characters far less to do. The emphasize shifted much more to Shaw (Sarah Shahi) and Root (Amy Acker). I didn’t mind this, but at the heart of the show always lay Reese and Finch. How I miss those early episode of season 1 when Reese regularly got his ass kicked.

Person of Interest Season 4 Preview - Amy Acker as Root hot in blue dress

Person of Interest Season 4 Preview

For season 4 the shows creative staff led by Jonathan Nolan promise more change, indeed they have promised to do an entire revamp. If there was one element of criticism with season 3 it were the odd moments of silliness, I hope those are dealt with. Executive producer Greg Plageman elaborated on how PoI is fundamentally different from other shows with having two artificial intelligence as the main characters. He had this to say “There’s a fundamental difference in the way Harold Finch programmed his machine and this machine that Claypoool started and Greer corrupted … It’s not necessarily that we’re dealing with an evil machine, it’s that we’re dealing with one that doesn’t have humanity as its priority.” (source: CarterMatt.com). Furthermore the cast of PoI has been expanded with Jamie Hector , Monique Curnen and  Cara Buono. The latter two supposedly as femme fatales, as if Root and Shaw wasn’t enough.

Person of Interest Season 4 Preview - John Greer in the shadows

At last months Comic-Con the actors and staff already indicated some of the changes that they were making. Also, a 5 minute preview of season 4 was shown. Something I completely missed. Until now it is the only footage of season 4 available. You can watch the preview below. I would that there are some MILD SPOILERS. ooh come on, just check it out!

So the tagline for season 4 will be, ‘If you had nine lives before, you are now reduced to one’. That is just what it takes to bring this show back to the top spot.

Here are also some screen caps that I made.

Person of Interest Season 4 Preview - Amy Acker as Root talking to Shaw Person of Interest Season 4 Preview - Shaw with a sniper rifle Person of Interest Season 4 Preview - Senator Ross Garrison (John Doman) and John Greer (John Nolan) Person of Interest Season 4 Preview - Sarah Shahi as Shaw Person of Interest Season 4 Preview - Sameen Shaw (Sarah Shahi) in short black dress Person of Interest Season 4 Preview - Samaritan finding targets Person of Interest Season 4 Preview - Reese with 40mm grenade launcher Person of Interest Season 4 Preview - Harold Finch (Michael Emerson) Person of Interest Season 4 Preview - Henderson, Alan B suspect Person of Interest Season 4 Preview - John Reese (Jim Caviezel) and Harold Finch (Michael Emerson) with Bear Person of Interest Season 4 Preview - John Reese (Jim Caviezel) Person of Interest Season 4 Preview - John Reese is not a barrista Person of Interest Season 4 Preview - NYPD officers Person of Interest Season 4 Preview - Carl Elias (Enrico Colantoni) Person of Interest Season 4 Preview - blonde assassin woman Person of Interest Season 4 Preview - Amy Acker as Root hot in blue dress Person of Interest Season 4 Preview - Finch as H. Whistler

Season 4 of Person of Interest is scheduled to start airing on September 23rd with the episode Panopticon. If you want to stay connected to the Person of Interest community and discuss what you think season 4 should differently then head over to personofinterestdiscussion. It is a great place to learn more about the subtle meaning of events that you would otherwise miss. This was Person of Interest Season 4 Preview