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Person Of Interest Season 5 cancelled

Person Of Interest Season 5 its last says J.J. Abrams

Person Of Interest Season 5 cancelled

Person Of Interest Season 5 its last!

Hot off the success of The Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams has made some surprising statements. One of which was sort of expected but is still sad. Person of Interest season 5 may well be its last.

At the Television Critics Association Abrams told reporters Saturday that “My guess is it is the final season. The only heartbreak there is how much good story there was to come if it were to have continued. Jonah [Nolan] and Greg Plageman have done such an amazing job on that show. I know what these episodes are that they’re done wrapping it up.”

Ever since the conclusion of season 4 Person Of Interest has been in limbo. At first there were rumors the show had been cancelled outright. Even though the ratings have fallen the show is still immensely popular. After a delay it was announced the series would return for a shortened 13 episode season. Fans hoped this format would allow the show to rejuvenate but I already feared during the review of season 4 that the upcoming season would be its last. At various convention panels the creative staff and actors were unusually evasive. Now director J.J. Abrams, who is also owner of Bad Robot Productions, has stated he think it will all end with season 5.

Yet, as of now the season still hasn’t got a release date while filming wrapped a long time ago. This is what Abrams had to say, “We don’t yet have a schedule. But I know they will see the light of day…people will get to see these episodes. I know the power of that story. Again, to have a show that goes on as many years as that has, it’s very hard to complain. It’s a miracle to get a show on the air and to have it last that long is something that we should just be grateful for. But I do love that show and I would’ve loved to see that continue.”

It will be sad to see Person of Interest go. Jim Caviezel and Michael Emerson had wonderful chemistry together as Reese and Finch. Yet, I also think its first season was its best. PoI was like a rough diamond back then. Arguably the stories started to play it save after season 2 when a number of the secondary characters had to be changed because the actors playing them were unavailable. The show got new impetus through Amy Acker and Sarah Shahi, but the backstory of Reese, Finch and Fusco had already been completed. The showdown with Decima, The Machine and Samaritan was nothing short of wonderful TV but a show loses something when the end comes in sight.

I hope Person of Interest season 5 will air sometime in the spring so I can review it. Stay tuned for more news.

Source; Variety