In episode 4 of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Bucky is quickly confronted with the Dora Milaje. They demand...
Marvel Comics
After reading three issues of the Star Wars Bounty Hunters series I was beginning to think the plot would never...
It has been just two weeks since I reviewed the previous issue of the Star Wars Darth Vader comic series....
After a lengthy absence due to the pandemic the Darth Vader (2020) comic series is back. Today marks the release...
Marvel Comics is back with another Star Wars comic, this time the Doctor Aphra series is continued. The 2020 Doctor...
Alright I might have exaggerated the title a little bit. In early may there was the release of the first...
With the Covid-19 pandemic continuing unabated more repercussions are being felt. Marvel is having to delay the release of new...
With the third issue in the Path of Destiny comic series it feels we are finally venturing into unexplored territory....
Early in January Marvel started a new Star Wars comic series -The Destiny Path. If you have not yet read...
This January Marvel has started with a new Star Wars comic series. Supposedly it is called The Destiny Path, but...