March 30, 2025

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Alphas ‘The Quick and the Dead’ Preview!

Alphas Season 2 poster

It looks like is moving up in the world, now that the site is getting an excellent number of readers everyday I am handed the information that you all read instead of having to scour the internet to find it. After multiple requests for interviews of some important actors and requests to urgently review promotional material I can now add Alphas to the list as well. Below you can find the promotional trailer for the second episode of the second season of Alphas, the episode is entitled ‘The Quick and the Dead’.

Last week’s season opener was OK, it was tightly written but unfortunately the suspense was too often broken by rather clumsy drama scenes. The storyline of Dr. Rosen’s incarceration ended rather abruptly and in a fashion that was not entirely believable. As I predicted in the episode preview the Alphas team was by the end of the episode back together again as though nothing happened. The second half of the episode set the tone for the season well enough, last season’s villain Stanton Parrish now has a relation with Dr. Rosen’s daughter and seems hellbent on making Alphas the primary homo-sapien on earth.

The promotional material handed to this site also reveals that Summer Glau (Firefly & The Terminator Chronicles) will again reprise her season 1 role of Skylar Adams, also Kandyse McClure (Battlestar Galactica) will have a guest role as Agnes, an Alpha who can see into people mind’s by just touching them.

Episode 2 has the following synopsis…

The team hunts for a killer with super-speed whose mission to find the truth may lead to deadly consequences

And here are the episode stills…