The Picard series that aired last January featuring Patrick Stewart was one my personal highlights of 2020. While the first...
Star Trek Picard
After 10 weeks the season ends with Star Trek Picard S01E10 "Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2". This unlikely series...
After 8 episodes the story of Star Trek Picard has finally reached its climax. In this week's episode (the 9th)...
Star Trek Picard S01E07 "Nepenthe" starts as it should. Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and Soji travel to Nepenthe through the...
The Picard series started as a slow burn, but with each passing episode the pacing and the stakes increase. Star...
As optimistic as I have been for a Jean-Luc Picard series I have also worried. Does one of my favorite...
As a follow-up to my previous article I now list 2020 Most Anticipated Sci-Fi Series. As with the list of...
After years of suffering a figurative drought in Star Trek shows we are suddenly inundated with new shows. However, not...
CBS has announced the official title for the new Star Trek Picard series - its called Star Trek: Picard. Ensure...