In two weeks time NBC's Revolution will resume its schedule with the last 10 episodes of season 1. The first...
Elizabeth Mitchell
Revolution poster, Billy Burke, Elizabeth Mitchell, Tracy Spiridakos and David Lyons NBC has been so kind to post two stills...
Tracy Spiridakos as Charlie Matheson, Billy Burke as Miles Matheson Revolution will be back on March 25th with an as...
Revolution Logo After a two-week break Revolution is back with the episode entitled 'Sex and Drugs'. So far the series is...
The fifth episode of Revolution is called 'Soul Train' and by the looks of the previews pictures and trailer it...
The second episode of Revolution is entitled 'Chained Heat'. It essentially continues were the pilot stopped with Charlie Matheson (Tracy Spiridakos)...
On September 17th Warner Brothers and Bad robot Productions will begin airing their new sci-fi series 'Revolution'. It's premise rests on a...