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Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens logo

Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens logo

Star Wars Episode 7 title revealed as The Force Awakens

Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens logo
Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens logo

The Force Awakens….. finally!

Today as part of LucasFilm wrapping up Principal Photography they revealed the title for the seventh Star Wars movie. On StarWars.com the full title was revealed as Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. Furthermore it is rumored we will get our first teaser trailer soon. The movie directed by J.J Abrams (Star Trek and Mission Impossible 3) is scheduled for a December 18th 2015 release and will feature as its principal cast most of the original trilogy actors such as Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill. Of course Anthony Daniels and Kenny Baker will also return as C-3PO and R2-D2 while Peter Maygrew will return as Chewbacca. However, as the story is set a few decades after the events of Star Wars Episode 6 The Return of The Jedi it can be expected that the cast will be significantly enlarged. Though at this moment it is unclear whether the story will focus on the original trilogy characters or their offspring. Nonetheless, Max von Sydow, Gwendoline Christie and Andy Serkis will also have significant roles. A subtitle such as The Force Awakens does seem to suggest that the movie will focus on the children of Han and Leia. At this moment it is unclear whether they will be named as they have been in the Star Wars Expanded Universe which as of early this year is no longer considered canon.

Carrie Fisher in metal bikini walking with Mark Hamill - The Force Awakens
Carrie Fisher walking with Mark Hamill – The Force Awakens

At 200 million dollars the movie is certainly the most expensive Star Wars movie, but that can be expected. I hope that Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens along with other sequels/reboots scheduled for 2015 such as Terminator: Genisys won’t be a CGI fest. The last Indiana Jones movie was to me a reminder how CGI can distract from a movie while actual set ineraction enhances the experience. I hope you enjoyed reading about Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens. Please comment below if you think the title is as cool as The Empire Strikes Back or as lames as The Attack Of The Clones!

Source; http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/11/06/star-wars-episode-vii-title-revealed-as-the-force-awakens?read