April 1, 2025


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Fringe ‘A Better Human Being’ Preview!

Fringe A better human being - Peter and Olivia kissing.

After last weeks cliff-hanger ending we are all keen to see what happens between Peter and Olivia. Will she keep any memory from the present or are they all replaced with those from the previous timeline. Of course the business with David Robert Jones continuous and between the two plot threads we sure get good TV.

unfortunately the same cannot be said for the ratings, in the last few weeks they seemed to be stabilizing but with last weeks episode went down again to 3.05 million.

This weeks episode of Fringe is entitled ‘A Better Human Being’ and here is its press release synopsis…

As the Fringe team investigates a mentally ill patient who appears to be connected to a series of murders, frightening clues and connections are uncovered that lead Olivia to some shocking revelations in the all-new “A Better Human Being” episode of FRINGE

Here is the promo trailer…