March 28, 2025

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Defiance new series action trailer online!

Defiance TV show Logo - Syfy Channel

Defiance is a new sci-fi TV-shows from the Syfy Channel and will start airing. Yes, that is the one where there is also a MMO game called Defiance being released simultaneously and supposedly they have some interaction together. Personally, after seeing a lengthy gameplay movie of the MMO I am a little bit disappointed. The world of the game is uninspired (where is San Francisco?) and the gameplay is far too action oriented to last for long. Of course I could be wrong.

For those who don’t know what Defiance is, it also stars Jaime Murray (Warehouse 13, Spartacus and Dexter). Which should at least guarantee the show first season to be a success.

Check out the action packed trailer to get excited.

Seems a bit like firefly, but not in a good way. Defiance is set to air on April 15th.
