Titan Comics has released the first edition of the Blade Runner 2019 comic book series. The series is written by...
Stranger Things is the Sci-Fi / Horror series to watch. This hit-show by Netflix has been going since 2016 and...
Netflix has released a new trailer for its upcoming Sci-Fi series Another Life. The series is set for a release...
Spider-Man played by Tom Holland has been a crowd favorite ever since his introduction in Captain America: Civil War. A...
It has been 8 years to the day that I made my first post on this blog. Strictly speaking SciFiEmpire.net...
The Sinking City is the latest game by Ukrainian develop Frogwares. This small studio has made a name for itself...
There has been plenty of Star Wars news in the last few weeks. Mark Hamill announced he is done with...
Alphabet Squadron is the latest book I am reviewing in the new canon Star Wars Universe. The novel is written...
Next year, November 20th 2020, director Denis Villeneuve will release the first of two Dune movies. Dune of course is...
Early in January I made my list of top Science Fiction movies for 2019. I also placed X-Men Dark Phoenix...