Agents of SHIELD Season 2 Trailer and Preview

Agents of SHIELD was one of last year’s most controversial new TV to air. It wasn’t controversial because of any graphic violence or nudity but because many fans felt let down by the hype. I was one of them. During the first few episodes I was easily distracted by the California setting, the lame plot and the lead characters who acted like jerks. Slowly, with many hiccups, the season improved until the moment of the mid-season cliffhanger I actually dared to call myself a fan. Though trying to get any kind of discussion going inevitably ended up me foul mouthing those window lickers on the discussion boards that are known as trolls. Despite the series keeping many of its problems right until the end I got addicted to my weekly SHIELD episode. Actors Clark Gregg and Ming-Na Wen deserve special mention. Not only did the show overcome some of the technical problems such as poor special effects and that ever-present California sun but the story line became top-notch. I can’t remember a more lively anticipation of the last three episodes since the pilot. Of course the Captain America 2 tie-ins certainly helped, but SHIELD did not lean on it. It was truly a tie-in for both the movie and the series.
Now I have already reported some news of what you can expect during season 2. We know that Lucy Lawless (Xena and BSG) and Kyle MacLachlan will join the cast. No doubt we can also expect Amy Acker to have a larger recurring role as Coulson’s love interest. Naturally everybody wants to more about the struggle between what is left of both SHIELD and HYDRA as they try to destroy each other. Whether agent Ward is an unrepentant HYDRA mole is everybody’s second big questions. Many fans are hesitant to accept Ward as repentant and think it would be a cheat on the audience otherwise. Well, you won’t find out until September 23rd at the latest for then the second season of Agents of SHIELD starts to air.
Right now you can only view the teaser trailer, which you can find below.
The trailer is well crafted. It show what fans expect from season 2 but it does so without any context that would spoil the surprise. Below you can find some screen caps that I have made. It would seem that one fan demand that Skye should be more actively involved in the team is getting fulfilled.
This was Agents of SHIELD Season 2 Trailer and Preview
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