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Science-fiction & Fantasy fall 2013 TV schedule!

Haven banner


The first episode of Haven had already aired on the 13th of September. It was a good episode though it did have twists and turns that kind of destroyed the suspense. the shows creators seem to have taken up on certain criticism about the women in the show. Not only is Kate Kelton’s character Jordan not dead they have introduced a new female lead as well (Emma Lahana as Jennifer Mason). About Jordan, it is painfully clear she will be some sort of villain during this season, and I mean it… painfully…


Person of Interest.

Despite season 2 of Person of Interest being a bit of mixed bag it sure as hell ended in a spectacular fashion. With the introduction of Sarah Shahi as Samantha Shaw the show seems re-invigorated. Jonathan Nolan has promised that season 3 will also try to flesh out the shows sci-fi theme a bit more. PoI should be on everybody’s list because it is unlikely to disappoint.


Person of Interest will start airing again on September 24th.

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During its first season Revolution had a hard time finding its way. The 20-episode season was definitely too long by about 6 or 7 episodes. After watching season one’s finale I was actually eager to view the second season, but with all the new high-caliber TV-shows coming up I am having second thoughts. Season 2 promises more change as our protagonists head to Texas. They try to live in anonymity but between the new US government lawlessness and a past that never forgets I guess that isn’t going to work.

Revolution will be back on September 25th.

Sleepy Hollow banner

Sleepy Hollow.

I don’t know much of the legend of sleepy hollow but I know it’s pretty big in the US. I loved the 1999 movie and I was happy to see that the creators of this show at least seem to have taken some inspiration from it. Because it has a contemporary setting the amount of cleavage and corsets will be less.

Sleepy hollow will start airing on September 16th.

Agents of Shield banner

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Yes… the show that will probably change the TV works forever. Or so that’s what everybody is saying. the prerelease buzz has hit fever pitch for Josh Whedon’s ‘Agent of SHIELD’. A lot is riding on this show. For a start there is Marvel’s cinematic universe that mustn’t be upset in any way and I also think that the Star Wars live action TV-show might get a go a head if this is a success.

Agents of SHIELD (no punctuation) will start airing on September 24th.

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Strictly speaking Elementary is neither Sci-fi or Fantasy but this show certainly made waves during its first season. Unlike the other Sherlock Holmes TV-show with a contemporary setting this show has seasons that last 24 episodes. Despite not quite reaching the epic heights of its competitor it does feel more balanced. Lucy Liu as the first ever female Dr. Watson is an absolute pleasure to watch. Her character is very effective in allowing the audience to better relate to Sherlock through her.

Elementary will be back on September 26 with the episode ‘Step Nine’ which supposedly has scenes that were shot in London.

Elementary will be back on September 26th.

Almost Human banner

Almost Human.

Bad Robot’s latest production has some big shoes to fill. Next to ‘Agent’s of Shield’ it is probably the most hotly anticipated TV-show this fall. It is created by J.H Wyman (Fringe) and is produced by J.J. Abrams. Almost Human of course stars Karl Urban. For a big-screen actor take such a TV role barely has any precedent. For me Almost Human is to act as the spiritual successor to both Fringe and Total Recall 2070. The latter obviously because the premise is similar in that the show lets a human and an android team up to fight crime.

Almost human will start airing on November 4th.

Other honorable mentions are Supernatural, The Walking Dead and Sherlock. The latter will supposedly start airing on January 1st.

Well, with so many show on I am already feeling sensory overload and most have yet to air!
