February 23, 2025


Your site for everything on Science-Fiction with News, Reviews and Giveaways

Tron Legacy Olivia Wilde

SciFiEmpire.net celebrates it’s 2nd anniversary!

Tron Legacy Olivia Wilde


Two years ago today I decided to make the big plunge and sign up for a website with a hosting company. For the most part I just wanted to vent my opinion on all matters science fiction, ranging from TV-shows, movies and novels that came about while my own writing career kind off passed by slowly. Strangely enough, writing a blog is easier and harder than I assumed it would be. The hardest part is keeping discipline to write something. I know, that kind of came out wrong. The easy part is all the technical stuff which I thought would be the hard part. Blogs pretty much manage themselves when it comes to updates and styling of posts so there is not much to worry about.

Well, after two years here we are. The monthly ticker stands at just shy of 10.000 hits and the AdSense earnings aren’t too bad either. I also believe my English has improved though some commenters readily correct me when I think I am actually right! I know that in the last month I haven’t updated the website as often as I should have but I have been busy. There is a live outside the realm of sci-fi you know! Anyway, its summer time so expect more regular updates.

Become a contributor!

So what do I want from the third year? A contributor to my blog!!! There is far too much science fiction material going around for one person to check so I am looking for people who just want to do some venting themselves but don’t want to bother with their own blog! Is that YOU? Click on the link now and become a contributor to SciFiEmpire.net!

Person of interest pilot

What’s next?

Well, I got a shopping list of changes I want to make to this blog. Perhaps you can add a few of your own in the comment section.

1. Add a forum. I have wanted to do this for a long time. I initially had one! It was called PHPbb and it was brilliant! Apart from the spam filters that didn’t work. So I closed it.

2. Use a new theme. This blog has a come along way since the first very narrow, very grey theme I first used but the Suffusion theme is starting to get a little bit old and doesn’t work well with mobile devices. So has anyone got any suggestions?

3. Add an online shop. As I let slip I am a bit of an amateur writer of science-fiction. Recently I have looked into getting published! I am making headway with that so the next step would to make sure I can actually sell my writing and other stuff. However, the devil is in the details on this one!

4. Get contributors. Well, guys were the hell are you. I had a guy from Greece some time back but his English was worse than mine on a bad day!

5. More chicks. I know most people come by this site because of Google and the names of sci-fi chicks but who cares right? Well, more chicks it will be!

What new content will there be?

1. More Star Trek. SciFiEmpire.net has ongoing love for Star Trek. So we will continue to cover the Blu-ray releases of TNG, enterprise and Star Trek Into Darkness.

2. On the Steel Breeze. In august Alastair Reynolds long-awaited sequel to Blue Remembered Earth will be released which we will cover!

3. More Continuum, Haven, Warehouse 13, Defiance, Revolution, Person of Interest! And of course coverage of all those not listed!

So, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for reading my blog for two years and I hope we will have an even better third year!


Marina Sirtis skirt uniform star trek