Game developers Namco Bandai have posted this ‘making of’ trailer for their upcoming Star Trek Video Game on Youtube. When I say ‘making of’ it is actually a new trailer with commentary from developers and studio officials. I must say it is the best trailer for the game I have seen so far.
The trailer highlights the co-op elements and suggests that not only have Captain Kirk and Commander Spock different personalities that will show in the storyline but their style of gameplay is also different. Were Kirk relies on shooting his way through an army of Gorn Spock relies on stealth. I am not sure how this works in the co-op mode because I have only ever seen the two characters together in the game. Besides the co-op mode this trailer also confirms you will be able to command the enterprise in battle and fire torpedoes and phasers, that along with the space-diving should make for a varied gameplay. The trailer is entitled part 1, so expect more footage in the coming weeks.
The trailer confirms that the game is still scheduled for a April 23rd release date on Windows PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
Below are some screen grabs, they are not HD unfortunately….

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