I wanted to wish every reader of SciFiEmpire.net a happy Christmas. This website celebrated 2019 as its eight anniversary and so far this year has been its best. I changed the format from writing just reviews to do more opinion articles and in-depth technical articles. I also added articles about science fiction comics: most notably Blade Runner and Star Wars. And I covered the development of Indie games such as those from Zachtronics. All in all it has been a very good year and that has kept me invigorated. I also finally got around to setting up a proper discussion board, now I only need people to actually post there.
Happy Christmas and 2020
So what have I got planned for next year? Well besides this blog I also do some amateur writing. I am currently working on a sci-fi novella that I hope will be published by the summer. I will write regular updates on that project here on SciFiEmpire.net. Meanwhile I am working on a programming game for Unity. Currently there is a very rough alpha version working, but that still needs to be ported form Java to Unity.
As for SciFiEmpire.net next year will be a fantastic year with a plethora of movies such as Dune set for release. Besides regular updates on my personal projects I have also added articles planned for makers, hackers and tech in general.
If you don’t want to miss an article then please do subscribe to this blog. You can do so by entering you email address into the widget called “Subscribe to Blog via Email” on the right!
Staying busy during the holidays
If like me you are not overly fond of the many dinners with friends and family and prefer to keep busy – well this Christmas in particular – there is plenty to do. For those keen play games there is Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order – which is up there with Knight of the Old Republic as one of the best Star Wars games. Then of course there is Red Dead Redemption 2 – which if you start you will still be playing in February. Meanwhile I have been coming back to a somewhat older game – the first The Division by Ubisoft.
If you want to watch series then there is even more. I enjoyed the first season of The Witcher starring Henry Cavill and Anya Chalotra. It’s a bit of a mixed bag with confusing plotlines, but it is fun as well. And there is Watchmen, probably the best super-hero shows on the small screen. Both Mr Robot and His Dark Materials have had their series and season finale respectively – both are worth checking out.
What’s at the cinema?
This year there is plenty that is good to watch at the cinema. Both Rian Johnson’s Knives Out and Jake Kasdan’s Jamanji The Next Level are excellent Christmas movies. Check out the links for a review of each if you cannot decide between them. However it is Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker that is the true star at the cinema. While J.J. Abrams’ movie is a flawed Star Wars movie it is still a good one. Starring Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Mark Hamill and Ian McDiarmid it offers a satisfying end to the Skywalker saga.
Well, I hope I have given you enough tips to get through the Christmas and new year period. In the week leading up to the new year I will post articles on my most anticipated movies, series, games and novels for 2020. So stay tuned and a happy Christmas.
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Wishing You A Happy Christmas, From SciFiEmpire.net
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