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Warehouse 13 S4E14 ‘The Sky’s the Limit’ Review!

Warehouse 13 Polly Walker targets Claudia
Polly Walker targets Claudia with a Blackberry

Warehouse 13 has been back for its second half of season 4 for two episodes now. Honestly, the series had kind of popped off my radar screen as Defiance, Continuum and Revolution are also on. To make matters worse, the first episode was one very big dud. However, last’s weeks episode ‘The Big Snag’ was one of the more enjoyable outings as Pete and Myka found themselves locked into 1940’s crime novel. The quality of the production was definitely noteworthy.

This weeks episode is entitled ‘The Sky’s the Limit’ and is rather straight up WH-13 fare. The episode is essentially split into three storylines. Steve and Claudia travel to the UK to look into the mysterious death of several racing jockey’s while Myka and Pete investigate a magician who levitates people in Las Vegas. Both storylines are basic stuff though the jokes and innuendo are quite memorable. Sadly, the buffoonery of Pete is just a bit over the top.

Warehouse 13 Abigail

However, it is really Artie’s storyline that is the main focus of the episode. Artie is of course still dealing with his inadvertent betrayal that acted as the background for the first half of the season. His guilt is starting to make him self-destructive which causes the warehouse’s Regents to appoint a caretaker for the inn. Abigail (the new caretaker) also happens to be a psychiatrist which upsets Artie as well as her casual disregard for the warehouse artifacts. The role of Abigail is to set Artie straight for the rest of the season. Personally I think this is done far too forcefully and some scenes really screamed at me. The character of Abigail seems to fit Warehouse 13 well enough but we will have to wait for more episodes to see of the shows creative staff can make her shine or that she just remains neurotic.

Warehouse 13 S4E13 The Big Snag Jonne Kelly boobs in dress
Joanne Kelly as Myka Bering in 40’s dress

Polly Walker is also introduced as Charlotte Dupres the new villain in this episode, but her scenes are so brief and campy that it is too early to form a good opinion. So far the show has lacked believable villains for most of its duration. With Jaime Murray’s character H.G Wells being a notable exception. Lets hope the creative staff can do something about that. Polly Walker’s credentials from Rome does speak for itself.

Score; 7.5  / 10. Entertaining but uneven episode of Warehouse 13. If you haven’t seen last week’s episode, then I suggest you see it first.

PS, Warehouse 13 will be back in two weeks and Jaime Murray will return as well!


Warehouse 13 magician Pete and Myka in the 1940's - Warehouse 13 S4E13 The Big Snag Joanne Kellty big boobs in tight dressMyka Bering (Joanne Kelly) in tight skirt 1940's