October 23, 2024


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Total Recall Remake First pictures!

Todays news includes the first ever pictures of the Total Recall remake starring Colin Farrell. The remake has been touted for a few years now and certainly so far hasn’t seen much in the way of favorable opinion from fans of the original starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. The story is once again based on Philip K. Dick’s short story ‘We Can Remember It for You Wholesale’ and attempts to stay true to the original spirit of the story, thus the mars element has been taken out. In the last few months we have seen a number of cast confirmations such as Bill Nighy, Kate Beckinsale and Jessica Biel to name a few which certainly hasn’t taken away any concerns about quality. The situation isn’t helped by director Len Wiseman and writer Kurt Wimmer who despite some very good movies are both also behind some spectacular misses. The situation could have been helped somewhat had the production behind this remake dared to pick another title.

The specs for the movie are as follows, Release date is 2012, that would be the back-end of 2012 or possible the summer at the earliest. Just in time to get hammered by The Dark Knight Rises and the Star Trek Sequel. The budget is tentatively mentioned as 200 million which knowing past movies will be mostly spent on the stars that were desperately attracted. Todays news shows of the first pictures taken from the set which so far are the only sign the project might end up with a movie that was made by people who care about the subject.