March 26, 2025

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The Dark Knight Rises new high resolution stills!

Logo of The Dark Knight Rises

With Batman Begins and The Dark Knight there was some doubt whether they were science fiction movies, they had perhaps a light sci-fi theme in the background. Now with The Dark Knight Rise by director Christopher Nolan there seems a greater emphasize on a villain who uses unknown technology to further his cause. Frankly before a few weeks back I couldn’t really care much about TDKR, mainly because I couldn’t possible see how The Dark Knight could be surpassed. After several trailers featuring a rather lame villain (Bane), a flying batmobile, a football game were the ground disappears and a lot of explosions I had pretty much given up. To me it seemed like the Iron Man 2 curse striking again. Slowly this has changed. Perhaps it was Tom Hardy’s Bane whose background was revealed just a bit more in the latest trailer or Anna Hathaway’s mysterious Catwoman or Marion Cotillard’s character Talia al Ghul or the fact that Christian Bale seems to be digging deeper for his character Batman, but something finally got me excited for The Dark Knight Rises.

The movie is scheduled for release on July 20th and it will have a rather lengthy running time (165 minutes). I just hope it won’t be too brainy like Inception, there is certainly a risk with this director even when its a summer blockbuster.

Now, enjoy the 8 stills released today by the studio…

Anne Hathaway as Catwoman in The Dark Knight RisesMorgan Freeman as Lucius Fox in The Dark Knight RisesGary Oldman as Gordon in The Dark Knight RisesMarion Cotillard as Miranda Tate/Talia Al Ghul in The Dark Knight RisesChristopher Nolan on the set of The Dark Knight RisesChristian Bale as Bruce Wayne and Michael Caine as Alfred in The Dark Knight RisesBatmobile in The Dark Knight RisesAnne Hathaway as Selina Kyle in The Dark Knight Rises