Captain America Civil War Review! Finally, a new Captain America movie has been released. This time it was directed by the Russo...
Iron Man 3
Ant-Man Review Movies set in Marvel's Cinematic Universe (MCU) are for me an acquired taste. I found the first Iron Man...
Yesterday we finally got the news that ABC's Agents of SHIELD has been renewed for a second season. Half way during...
Fans are finally able to watch the third Iron Man installment in cinema's. After the disappointing second movie and the...
Before May 3rd arrives (or April 25th for those in Europe) watch the new Iron Man 3 trailer that Marvel just...
Fans have been buzzing about it a for a few days now, but finally the international poster has been released. And it...
I have never been a huge comic book fan, especially not superhero comics. The medium was always too much of a...