Black Widow was meant to be released in May of 2020. However, that ensures it is the first triple A...
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier has ended its first season after six episodes. For a series that started slow...
The Mandalorian is one of those aspects of Star Wars that is thriving now the Sequel Trilogy is over. It...
Ever since the release of Tron: Legacy in 2010 I want to see a third sequel - Tron 3. The...
Ever since the Marvel Cinematic Universe 'ended' with Avengers: Endgame the search started on how to continue. Marvel and Disney...
Finally, after more than a decade of speculation our first live-action Star Wars show has arrived. After having seen this...
In what some consider to be a totally random announcement Disney has stated Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy are to...
Star Wars A New Dawn by John Jackson Miller This morning the Walt Disney Company announced that the Star Wars...
Star Wars and Disney studios - George Lucas v Mickey Mouse In news that took many people by surprise. George...