The Falcon and the Winter Soldier has ended its first season after six episodes. For a series that started slow...
Daniel Bruhl
In episode 4 of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Bucky is quickly confronted with the Dora Milaje. They demand...
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is a series whose principal characters can never come out of the shadow of...
After last week’s slow start to The Falcon and the Winter Soldier I was ready for action. Now, don't get...
One of the odd relationships that developed during the Marvel Cinematic Universe series was that between Falcon and Winter Soldier....
Ever since the Marvel Cinematic Universe 'ended' with Avengers: Endgame the search started on how to continue. Marvel and Disney...
As a follow-up to my previous article I now list 2020 Most Anticipated Sci-Fi Series. As with the list of...