The long wait appears to be over for gaters. Roland Emmerich is rebooting the Stargate franchise that he originally started back in 1994. Sadly that means there will be no SG-1 or Atlantis movies. At least I seriously doubt it. According to Roland the series that were spawned by the 1994 movie were never really canon (I wouldn’t dare say that a convention). He also doesn’t think any of the original cast can make back into the new trilogy because they are just too old. Time to start anew was the thinking and so Stargate will be rebooted. No date has been for the release but as the script still needs to be written it will be late 2015 at the earliest but probably 2016.
I have mixed feelings about a Stargate reboot. Not in the least because Roland Emmerich is helming it, Stargate requires a strong story that goes into depth similar to Prometheus and Looper. I fear Roland Emmerich with his supermarket thinking can’t live up even to his own 1994 hit. The original Stargate was good, but not great. It suffered from a bit of Return of the Jedi when it introduced kids shooting the alien bad guys and such. Roland can leave that stuff out in the sequel.
As for casting. If there are going to be characters such as Dr. Jackson and Colonel O’Neill I really haven’t got a clue. Don’t say Simon Pegg or Benedict Cumberbatch because they are in everything these days. Don’t say Chris Pine either because he can’t act. Maybe Karl Urban as O’Neill. Unfortunately with the 1994 Stargate movie the rest of the cast was unmemorable. A reboot will definitely have to include some more female casting. Rosario Dawson would make for an interesting Captain Carter, as a counter balance to Dr. Jackson.
Well, as you may read above, I have lots of hopes and fears for a potential Stargate reboot. Don’t disappoint the fans Roland!
Source; www.blastr.com
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