March 28, 2025

Your site for everything on Science-Fiction with News, Reviews and Giveaways wishes all readers a ‘Happy New Year’!

Well, as the author of I wish everybody who visits this site regularly a Happy New Year!

I know I haven’t updated the site in like a month but that is because I have been rather busy with my studies.

That said.. At this moment most TV-shows are having their mid-season break anyway so there isn’t much to report.

Here is hoping for a very sci-fi new year. One that is better than the rather lousy 2012.

Please note that Revolution will be back on March 25th and Warehouse 13 in late April. Syfy’s new series Defiance should also start airing at the same time.

Rachel Nichols as Kiera Cameron - Family Time - Continuum -
Rachel Nichols as Kiera Cameron – Family Time – Continuum –
