A few months ago I already reported that MGM was thinking of rebooting the Stargate franchise. Roland Emmerich was attached to the project and slated to direct at least one of the proposed movies. I presumed that after the news broke the project would move into pre-production, but in the movie business everything takes time. Now the deal is finally final. MGM IS rebooting the Stargate franchise and Roland Emmerich IS slated to direct at least one movie. Some news outlets have already spoken of a trilogy but that is hardly a done deal. After all, money is tight and there have been a number of unexpected disappointments with other franchises. Tron Legacy despite earning praise (especially afterwards) did not do very strong at the box office. Roland Emmerich of course famously directed the original 1994 Stargate movie that kicked off franchise that found its niche in TV series such as SG-1, Stargate Atlantis and Stargate Universe. Just like Star Trek the franchise was feeling fatigued by the time Universe aired and it was cancelled after just two seasons.
Which brings us to the elephant in the room. In fact, there may be 2 elephants. As mentioned viewers have slowly turned away from Stargate in favor of HBO type shows such as Breaking Bad and Game Of Thrones. The question is, can Stargate be reinvented to suit modern tastes? Where does the franchise belong? On TV or in the cinema? The Second elephant is Roland Emmerich, in my opinion he has never been able to emulate the success he experienced with movies such as Stargate and Independence Day. Since then his movies have relied more and more on CGI effects while the plots have become weaker. A franchise like Stargate relies a lot on background story (based on Ancient Egypt) and its character development. Does Roland have what it takes to reboot Stargate, fans have shown mixed reactions to the news. Most are avid followers of SG-1 and matters aren’t helped by Emmerich’s disdain for the TV series.

Roland Emmerich co-wrote and directed the original Stargate with Dean Devlin, both had this to say about the reboot. “The Stargate universe is one that we missed terribly, and we cannot wait to get going on imagining new adventures and situations for the trilogy. This story is very close to our hearts, and getting the chance to revisit this world is in many ways like a long-lost child that has found its way back home.” At this moment no details about a release date are known or who will star in the movie. I expect the movie to arrive no sooner than summer 2016. My first pick for the role of Samantha Carter would be Rosario Dawson, although it depends on whether there will be a Samantha Carter in the reboot as she is a character from SG-1. Discuss below what you think about the Stargate Reboot and who you think should be attached to the project.
This was MGM reboots Stargate with a new trilogy directed by Roland Emmerich.
Source; http://www.deadline.com/2014/05/mgm-warner-bros-reboot-stargate/
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