March 10, 2025

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Fringe’s Future + Anna Torv set photos!

In an interview with website executive producer Jeff Pinkner discusses tonight’s episode ‘Welcome to Westfield’, the love triangle between Olivia, Peter and Lincoln and the future of the series.

According to Pinkner tonight’s episode is most definitely not a ‘bottle show’ and fans will really like it (well that alright then).

As far as the love triangle goes Pinker admits that this Olivia is not the same Olivia from before the time shift and as for any relation between Peter and Olivia he said ‘there are bumps in the road’.

As for the future of the show Pinker says it has a loyal fan following that watches the show on DVR and as such Nielsen ratings aren’t the complete story, though he admits the show is in troubles waters.

For the complete interview click the following link;

As for tonight’s episode ‘Welcome to Westfield’ which seems to the be an homage to Half Life 2’s level ‘Don’t go to Ravenholm’ we have two extra preview footage and a number of set pictures of Anna Torv.

Here are more stills from Welcome to Westfield…

Fringe Welcome to Westfield principal cast

Fringe Welcome to Westfield

Fringe Olivia Dunham played by Anna Torv

Fringe Welcome to Westfield Peter and Olivia

And we have some unusual set photos of Anna Torv playing Fauxlivia, also note her stunt double in some of the pics. This is going to keep me guessing just who is performing all the action in future episodes.

Anna Torv as Fauxlivia

Anna Torv as Fauxlivia

Anna Torv as FauxliviaAnna Torv as Fauxlivia

Anna Torv as Fauxlivia

Anna Torv as Fauxlivia

Anna Torv as Fauxlivia

Anna Torv as Fauxlivia

Anna Torv as Fauxlivia

Anna Torv as Fauxlivia