April 1, 2025


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Fringe ‘Making Angels’ preview! Finally a Astrid-centric episode!

This weeks episode of Fringe is entitled ‘Making Angels’ and will feature agent Astrid Farnsworth (A.K.A Astro) as its centric character. Astrid is of course played by actress Jasika Nicole whose role on the show has always been a fan favorite but has been until now that of the eternal supporting character. So what is in store now for Fringe? A Nina-centric episode? What about Broyles? Perhaps we might even see more of their relationship.

This episode is definitely designed to give the series more life and deal with its minor quirks, and I aint complaining.

The murder case that this episode will be dealing with sounds like an episode of The X-files, which since the first and second season of Fringe hasn’t occurred.

Here is the press release…

Astrid gets an unexpected visit from her Alternate. While Peter and Olivia track a killer using a toxin that has yet to be invented. Both universes collide in a case that pushes the boundaries of what is possible.

Here is the trailer…

And here is a very spectacular interview with the cast and crew...

And here are some of the stills…

Fringe Making Angels Astrid Farnsworth played by Jasika Nicole

Fringe Making Angels Peter and Olivia