After viewing the second episode is this season of Continuum I have finally managed to find an episode that I honestly didn’t like. Just like season one’s weakest episode ‘Playtime’ this episode, entitled ‘Split Second’, is a bit out there… However, ‘Split Second’ is too convoluted and has too many arbitrary twists and turns to make it a really enjoyable showing.
Split Second follows two storylines. The first is about Kiera and Carlos escorting Travis to a new prison after he killed six prisoners. Now, everyone knows that the trip won’t be without incident but I wasn’t expecting remotely controlled machine guns and helicopters. While all the shooting is going on agent Gardiner is questioning Kiera’s loyalty. He saw her survive the bombing from the season 1 finale by using her suit and suspects she might actually be working for Liber8. From his superiors he gets little help. Indeed the person that vouched for Kiera, the mysterious Escher, is apparently the head of Section 6. Which is the agency that Kiera says she works for. Gardiner also mentions that Escher has something to do with Piron, and that happens to be a corporation mentioned in 2077.

In the end Garza manages to free Travis by betraying Sonya and Lucas. The two of them known they are on their own and flee before Garza and Travis can reach the hide-out. In upcoming episodes it will be interesting to see which pair manages to continue Liber8’s efforts in 2013.
The second storyline involves Kellog coaxing Alec in joining into a partnership. Kellog believes that with his business acumen and Alec’s tech skills they could be very rich very quickly. After several moments of doubt Alec agrees to the partnership. It thus remains to be seen whether Alec will help Kiera stop Liber8 like he has done in the past.

While giving you this quick overview of ‘Split Second’ you might think that it is quite straightforward. The actual 43 minutes are however quite tedious. The dialogue takes ages to get anywhere and the plot development is predictable because they are so shallow. For the first time since the pilot I have absolutely no idea where this show is going. That might be a positive thing to some but I believe it also endangers viewer empathy towards the characters.
The only good thing about this episode is that were finally getting to learn more about each member of Liber8.
Score; 6.5 / 10.

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