While attempting to keep an eye on all the presents I want to buy for other people this holiday season I almost forgot Star Trek has several big releases. Most notably the last season of Star Trek The Next Generation has been released on Blu-ray. You can now watch Picard, Troi, Worf and the other one last time in 1080p. Or you can watch it as often as you like afterwards. Today I stumbled upon the box set by chance. You can find pictures of the 6-disc set in the wild below. I didn’t get it at this vendor (Mediamarkt) as 69.99 euro’s is ridiculously expensive. Instead I will buy it online for half that. Have a look on Bol.com if you live in the EU. Once I got it I hope to review it as soon as possible but it will take at least 5 days. So don’t expect the review within a week from now. The consensus is that although it is not TNG strongest season it is still quite good. The extra’s are a mixture of the forgettable and the new.
See the trailer for Star Trek TNG Season 7 Blu Ray…
The technical specs of the disc-set is impressive, the digital remastering of the sound and picture make it almost a new experience to watch. There is also supposed to be a special edition disc-set containing just the two-part finale of TNG, All Good Things. However, I have been unable to find a copy. I heard it will not receive a universal release, which is a shame for those on a tight budget. With this disc-set the saga of TNG on 1080p has been finished. After TOS, TNG and Enterprise (see review) we only have DS9 and Voyager to go. Rumors surrounding DS9 on Blu-ray have been doing the rounds for a few months now, but some fans are worried whether the smaller fan-base will make the release profitable. After all, the reboot movies may be watched by many but that hardly makes them Trekkies.
Below you can see the photos of the Star Trek TNG Season 7 Blu Ray release. 69.99 euro’s is rather foolish. Don’t buy it at that price!

The Collectors…
The second big release is Star Trek Department of Temporal Investigation: The Collectors. It is a novella written by Christopher L. Bennett and was officially released today. I expect I will have read through the 120 pages within a few days. So expect a review before the end of the week. The novella has only been released as an e-book but for just 2.66 I consider it a bargain. For those interested in a bit of hard-core Star Trek SF I will happily recommend the earlier two DTI books and this novella.
This was Star Trek TNG Season 7 Blu Ray. Stay tuned for the review.
Source; http://www.trekcore.com/
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