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Outcast: Second Contact trailer released + delay confirmed


Outcast: Second Contact delayed

A few weeks a go I wrote a short preview on the remake of the 90s classic game Outcast. Since then there have been rumors the game has been delayed. No longer would it be released in March 2017. As March has come and gone developer Appeal has yesterday announced a new time frame – fall 2017. The news is not a surprise as the developer had been quiet since last year. To make up for missing the March date an official trailer was released instead.


Outcast: Second Contact Trailer

 The trailer consists of the first moving images of the game. It showcases the world of Adelpha – from its lush green environments to the icy cold plains. The plot and characters appear the same, but are now rendered with pixels in high resolution. Again you will play as former Navy SEAL Cutter Slade in an attempt to save the Earth – honestly from what I cant remember.

Cutter Slade Outcast

What the trailer also shows is that game is a straight-up remake. A lot of the gameplay remains similar. That doesn’t mean it will be exactly the same. I can’t imagine the levels being exactly the same, nor the gameplay. But with limiting its scope the development team has the opportunity to polish what they developing. What also becomes clear are the limited resources available to the developer. This is an Indie game, much like P.A.M.E.L.A. is. Yet, the attention to the story and environments are clear.



Despite the delay I am still looking forward to Outcast: Second Contact. After Mass Effect: Andromeda I want something simpler, more straightforward. Does every story need to be a hundred hour investment these days to get the most out of it? Outcast: Second Contact is set for release on Windows PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Though I keep a some hope for a Nintendo Switch release as well.


Source: PCGamer