April 1, 2025


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Maggie Grace Lockout

1st Lockout Trailer!

It has been one of those days, during the weekend you travel the nets for search of news and come up nothing, and then on Monday… bang, you got three articles.

Now we got the trailer for Lockout, a movie I have previously never heard of.

Lockout is directed by James Mather and Stephen St. Leger, two people I have never heard of either. Lockout was also co-written by Luc Besson, and that sets of the chimes in my head. Luc besson is of course the famed directed of The Fifth Element, the 1997 classic.

So what about Lockout. Well, it stars Guy Pearce, who has starred in movies such as L.A. Confidential and Memento. Next year we will also see him again in Prometheus.

Lockout is made on a budget of 30 million so don’t expect large sets other than those made with CGI. By the looks of it the plot isn’t brilliant either, Mister Besson seems to be aiming for witty and funny. I can live with that.

So here is the plot according to indiewire

The script, penned by Besson and co-directors James Mather and Stephen St.
Leger, finds Pearce starring as a wrongly-accused convict who must clear his
name by undergoing a suicide mission to rescue the President’s daughter (Maggie
Grace). Oh, she just happens to be trapped in a futuristic space prison that is
currently in the midst of a riot. Uh …

And of course the trailer…

The movie is scheduled to be released on April the 13th, 2012.

ooh, the co-star is Maggie Grace. Never heard of her, but here she is in one vague picture from the set of Lockout.

Maggie Grace Lockout